Now, how does it actually work ?

How’s Clocks work

A simple three-step protocol that rewards you for life via an innovative mechanism called the Clocks.

Step 1: Purchase C24 tokens from PancakeSwap.

Step 2: Make a C24-clock out of C24 tokens.

Step 3: For the rest of your life, collect high-yield rewards in C24 tokens generated by your Clock.

The Clocks are an innovative and powerful reward mechanism that is foundational to the protocol. The clocks are the tools that allow you to generate high-yield LIFETIME rewards while also ensuring the token's long-term growth.

This means double rewards for you as the value of your rewards rises in tandem with the rise in the value of C24.

In other words, you will benefit from The Clock 24 through:

Secured audited protocol:

Clock 24 is thoroughly audited by one of the top auditing companies. Based on the results of our audit, we can ensure our users to be confident regarding the security of their funds with

*No exhausting due diligence: *

The auto-staking, auto compounding feature of our protocol eradicates the hustle of unnecessary due diligence of re-investing, and reward calculation at the end of each reward cycle.

No extra charges:

Unlike other decentralized protocols that charge exceptionally high transaction fees, we do not repeatedly charge our valuable users repeatedly.

Last updated